Fulham Good Neighbours is an
award-winning local charity,
established in 1966.
Since 1966 Fulham Good Neighbours has supported older and disabled people in their homes and gardens, in the community and at our community centre, and now online. We support almost 500 older and disabled people a year, supported by over 100 local volunteers.
In 2019 we received The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. In 2021 our impact survey found that 100% beneficiaries would recommend our services; and 100% feel we create a community where neighbours look out and care for each other.
All of our projects are provided to beneficiaries for FREE. These include:
Support in the Home and Garden: Decorating, DIY and Gardening – for those that cannot pay, nor have ability to do the work themselves; and
Adopt a garden: befriending & gardening support
Online Gardening Workshops: delivered in partnership with Nubian Life
Good Neighborhood Scheme: grocery shopping, medication delivery, escorts to appointments etc.
Befriending: via telephone or in person
Social Clubs: arts & crafts, chair based exercise, lunch, reading, silver, Sunday Tea.​
Online clubs: including an Art Group, online Chair Based Exercise and Digital Support, delivered directly to beneficiaries in their homes.
Please contact us on info@fulhamgoodneighbours.org or 020 7385 8850 if you or anyone you know need(s) our support.